Welcome to Russell-Site!


Hi! My name is Russell. I am an incoming 4-th year student at the National University of Singapore studying a Double Degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. It is a 5-year programme and my home faculty is the School of Computing. I specialise in Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms and Theory and mostly the applied side of Mathematics.

I am a Singaporean Chinese Male, age is the last 3 digits of the current year.

My Work

I have general interests in Computer Science Theory, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Some topics I have delved with are Logic, SAT Solving, Cryptography, Number Theory, Group Theory and Optimisation Problems. I hope to work on Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimisation problems in the future, be it in industry or research. I am also interested in contributing to research software and various software engineering projects that utilises academic tools.

My past research work mostly revolved around Elliptic Curves, SAT Solving, A.I and Machine Learning, Fully Homomorphic Encryption (that diverse!) and also a bit on Computer Architecture like the FPGA. I was exposed to the first 3 fields during high school during various internships and the remaining in university. I was clearly going through the phase of discovering what fields are out there in Computer Science and Maths.

Currently, I am reading up on the fields of Stochastic Calculus, Mathematical Finance and Quantum Computation (because they are interesting, and it is summer. It is the BEST time to learn something outside of school.

My Background and History

I was born in Singapore and spent my whole life here. Prior to university, I studied at Victoria Junior College for my GCE A-Levels where I spent most of my time delving into various domains in Mathematics and Computer Science. I did my National Service as a Air Force Technician in Tengah Airbase from 2019 to 2021.

I am basically the only mathematically-inclined member of my family. Hence, I was glad during high school, I met a bunch of friends who shared the same interests as me and we can sit and talk about maths for the whole day.

I play Minecraft alot, but will only play during vacation times. I also love travelling and I have been to many countries in Europe and Asia. I hope to visit more of the culture-rich Central Asia and also North and South America.