Education History

Education History

Education has clearly taken up most of my energy while I am alive. I am from Singapore, so I went through the 10 years of compulsory education, 2 years of Junior College (equiv. to High School in the USA). I then went on to pursue my undergraduate studies in both Computer Science and Mathematics at NUS.

B Comp (Computer Science) and B Sci (Mathematics)

National University of Singapore
Start : Aug 2021
Expected Graduation : May 2026
CS Focus Areas : Algorithms and Theory, Artificial Intelligence
Math Interests : Applied Mathematics, Operations Research
Double Degree Specialisation : Algorithms and Computation

GCE A-Level

Victoria Junior College (2017 - 2018)
H1 : General Paper, Project Work
H2 : Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Economics
H3 : Mathematics

GCE O-Level

Chung Cheng High School (Main) (2013 - 2016)
English, Higher Chinese
Mathematics, Add. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
History, Social Studies + English Lit.

PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination)

Pei Chun Public School

Below are some of the links pertaining to my university study. For course reviews, see Blog