These are the projects that I did in school and during vacation.


May 2024 - Present
It is an A.I SAT Solver, still at the conceptualisation and research phase. This is expected to take many years given this is my own pet project. I am not releasing anymore details since it is a WIP.

Personal Website (Russell-Site)

June 2016 - June 2023
My personal website where I post stuff and possibly host (my own) software too.


This is V1.4 of my personal website. My first website was built solely using Google Sites, V1.2 is built using solely HTML/CSS, V1.3 has Javascript added to be more dynamic. Now I am using React.JS, BootStrap with a GraphQL database as a backend for certain portions. There is also a possible addition of a Java Spring Boot backend during the summer provided I can find a hosting site for it. I have tried to connect PostgreSQL, MySQL but decided that GraphQL is the most appropriate for my site.

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  2. Russell-site


February 2023 - April 2023
A Contact Book where you can schedule meet up and locations with your friends and other contacts


This project is done as a team project for CS2103T (Software Engineering). I do not usually post schoolwork here but the scale of this project relative to our peer’s submission deserves it position in this page. Everyone in the team got above A- for this module despite having > 30k LoC.

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  3. Developer Guide
  4. User Guide
  5. About Us

NUSMods Timetable Scheduler

August 2022 - September 2022
NUS Mods Timetable Scheduler using constraint optimisation techniques from a SAT Solver


Built as a command line alternative for the Timetable Generator feature built in PlanNUS

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April 2022 - September 2022
Engineered an Android Application to help NUS Freshmen organise schedules.


Built features include : To-Do List, Dashboard, Timetable Generator built using Microsoft Z3 SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theoris) Solver which is hosted on a Heroku Backend. My team was awarded the highest level of achievement for this project.

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March 2020 - April 2020
Built a simple multi-class classification model that deduces the authorship of several essays of the Federalist Papers.


Built using Sci-kit Learn and Pandas to extract features using a parser that I built to construct my own dataset of features which are scrapped from the other essays that have known authorship.

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  2. Federalist Papers

Sum of 3 Palindromes

Jan 2020 - March 2020
Built a Python program which helps to express any number of base >= 5 into a sum of 3 palindromes.


This is implemented according to the algorithm provided by a paper from Javier Cilleruelo, Florian Luca and Lewis Baxter, titled : EVERY POSITIVE INTEGER IS A SUM OF 3 PALINDROMES. Even though Christian Lawson Perfect has done one for base-10 integers and Lewis Baxter has done an applet for base 5-10 integers, I thought of implementing one that encompasses numbers of bases 5-16 …YES, INCLUDING HEXADECIMAL NUMBERS as well.

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  2. Paper