CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals

2 minute read


Academic Year 2022 - 2023
Semester 2

NUSMods Description

This module aims to equip students with the skills needed to communicate technical information to technical and nontechnical audiences, and to create comprehensible software documentation. A student-centric approach will be adopted to encourage independent and collaborative learning while engaging students in team-based projects. Students will learn interpersonal and intercultural communication skills as well as hone their oral and written communication skills. Assessment modes include a variety of oral and written communication tasks such as reports, software guides, oral presentations, software demonstrations and project blogs.


This module is taught via sectional teaching. My Professor is Prof Catherine Wee. This is a paired-module with CS2103T (Software Engineering)

My class is held every Monday and Thursday, 8am - 10am, though it tends to end at 9.30am. There are 5 CAs, CA1 and CA5 are critical reflections, CA2 and CA3 are Oral Presentations whilst CA4 is the user guide submission based on your software product for CS2103T.

Personally, I learnt a lot from this module. Though, a lot are repeats of ES2660. Hence, there was not much difficulty in doing the writing assignments. My writing has gotten better due to ES2660 which helped me get very high grades for my writing CAs. However, for our first oral presentation, my group and I presented on the importance of our Resume and Cover Letter. My group consisted of random people from other software groups and a friend. Surprisingly, everyone was pretty good at their job and contributed significantly to the presentation which is great! We were praised for our teamwork as well, especially during QnA.

For the second presentation, the 5 people from your CS2103T group will be split into 2 or 3. One sub-group will do a demo for the product, whilst the others will do a pitch. I belonged to the pitch team. My team was already very effective to begin with, hence I do not think there is much of a workload problem since everyone contributed quite a lot. Not much issues there.

I think this module is very chill. I did not remember needing to put in extra work for it. Just try to do your best and get the most out of it.